Property, Project & Builders reviews on ratemyestate

Finding the right home is tedious, time-consuming and one of the biggest purchases of our lives. So why do it blindly?

That’s why we’ve created a community where you can find and share information about properties, projects/ estates and builders across Australia written by past buyers.

This community allows you to purchase with confidence.

Our community guidelines

To build a community of reviews in the spirit of helping others, all reviews and subsequent comments from the company must follow our guidelines.

  • Respectful - reviews should not contain profanity, threats, violent references, sexual or prejudiced or aggressive or hateful sentiments and any other comment or language deemed inappropriate for our community. Similarly, any allegation of, or reference to, racism or illegal activity should be raised with the appropriate authorities and will not be published.
  • Relevant - The purpose of your review is to help others guide the journey of building/ buying in Australia, so all content should be about the experience of building/ buying at the specific company mentioned. Any content deemed to be off topic, such as generalised discussion or relating to named customer service experiences of interactions with a company will not be published.
  • Balanced - We believe every experience will have both good points and areas to improve upon, therefore we encourage you to present a balanced view of your experience. We want to help those looking to build/ buy/discover what the journey is really like with a particular company by avoiding reviews which are artificially positive or deliberately damaging. We may not publish your review if it is deemed to be malicious, biased or suspicious.
  • Authentic - Each review has to be related to first-hand experiences for a specific developer, project and/ or builder. Any review found to be fraudulent or duplicated will not be published. All content should be original and not quoted from other sources such as (but not limited to) other websites, social media, email, other reviews etc.
  • Non-commercial - Any reviews promoting products and services of a company, containing URLs, email links or telephone numbers, or deemed to have been incentivised to be provided will not be published.

Review dos and don’ts

  1. Do not highlight or call out individuals for either praise or criticism It is acceptable to reference your experience though generalised, in a respectful and factual manner.


    "The customer service of the sales professional was really exceptional and took the time to answer all of my questions to put my concerns at ease.”

    • “I felt that the sales professional wasn’t great at feeding all of the relevant information to me and just wanted me to sign the contract.”
    • “The sales professional never had the time to answer any of my questions following signing the contract.”

    Not OK

    • “My sales professional John was really great to deal with, I would encourage to work with him if you could.”
    • “Stefani was always difficult, wouldn’t take the time to solve my problems.”
  2. Always be respectful

    Our community strives to be a safe and inclusive place to share honest opinions. We will not allow hateful, aggressive or racist sentiments or language to be published. Any allegations of discrimination or harassment should be raised with the appropriate authority.


    • “I really hated dealing with this business, I couldn’t wait to be in the property to not have to deal with them again”
    • “This builder is terrible, they would not resolve my defects within sufficient time and would constantly delay fixing them.”

    Not OK

    • “If you’re a female and ask for a discount or free extras you’ll generally get them.”
    • “If you’re a first home buyer and under 30 they will do anything to take advantage of you”
  3. Do not make allegations of illegal activity

    We make every attempt to validate the purchase of propertied though we can not validate reviews for the accuracy or verify facts or the extent of any allegation. Any allegations of illegal activity should be raised with the appropriate authority.


    • “I think the values and culture in this company are questionable, there was a lot of politics and I felt people were being dishonest.”
    • “We had challenges dealing with difficult staff, the number of complaints was very big.”

    Not OK

    • “Corruption by management is massive - they are all guilty of fraud.”
    • “Everyone is always stealing from the company, money goes missing most weeks.”

How does moderation work?

We monitor all reviews to ensure that they meet our community guidelines and are helpful to others. We have a four-stage moderation process:

  1. Past or current buyer – people share their experience with companies they interact with. A user is required to upload a “proof of purchase” which validates their purchase.
  2. Human moderation – reviews are read by our moderation team and evaluated based on our community guidelines.
  3. Reporting a review – any user of our site can report a review as inappropriate, triggering a re-evaluation.
  4. Verification- from time to time we may contact the relevant builder or developer to help confirm and validate your purchase.

Should your review need moderation we will write to you asking for a review of our guidelines, highlighting the inappropriateness and ask for to amend. Once resubmitted, this will trigger re-evaluation.

I wrote a review but I can't see it on the website - why not?

If you wrote a review but can’t see it on the website, one of two things might have happened.

  • We don’t yet have a page for the company you reviewed – it can take a little while to get all the information we need for each company’s page.
  • There was an issue with your review – if your review did not follow our community guidelines we will not have been able to publish it.


Version 1 . 25 February 2020.