
Written by Mercy

Posted on August 11,2022

Today, online reviews are a go-to for most of us when it comes to everyday decisions. Whether we're looking for a hotel, a restaurant, or a new smartphone, we turn to platforms like Google Reviews, product review websites, and TripAdvisor to get the lowdown on what previous customers think. It's interesting that 93% of us rely on these online reviews to shape our buying choices.

But what about the world of property? Surprisingly, there's a gap when it comes to rating and reviewing property developers and builders, even though this is a significant part of the Australian market. So, where do property buyers go when they want to learn more about these builders and developers, to figure out their track record and reliability? Often, it's through friends, family, or word-of-mouth recommendations. But what if you can't get any personal referrals? Many buyers resort to online searches and news stories. It's remarkable that 91% of folks between 18 and 34 trust online reviews as much as they trust their family's advice, as per BrightLocal. This underlines that, for consumers, the experience is just as important as the price, and they're even willing to pay up to 15% more for a guaranteed great experience.

That's where RateMyEstate comes in. We aim to fill this gap for customers. Our platform is designed to help you easily navigate through a sea of reviews, particularly focused on property developers and builders. So, if you've purchased a property from a developer or builder, we encourage you to share your experiences here. By doing so, you won't just assist others in making informed choices, but you'll also contribute to improving the industry.

 Join us in building a community that values honest feedback and the pursuit of exceptional experiences!"

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